What’s a Can Do Space worth to your community?
Scotland has 479 localities with a resident population of 1000+, all with empty buildings. That's £6 billion+ worth of property vacant in Scotland. …
Scotland has 479 localities with a resident population of 1000+, all with empty buildings. That's £6 billion+ worth of property vacant in Scotland. …
Peebles - A Can Do Place Take a journey to Peebles with us to hear what makes Peebles a can do place! …
Can Do Places in Dublin from Enterprise Iain on Vimeo. A team from Can Do Places visits Dublin to investigate The Fumbally Exchange. This re-purpo…
A Can Do Places Fable from Enterprise Iain on Vimeo. Once upon a time there was a place where people made and sold things. They had to do that in …