By Enterprise Iain, 6 March 2002
Here I am surrounded by full colour prints and a conundrum.
The prints are from my new book capturing the Can Do Places story. Or specifically the story of amazing people as they breathe life into the redundant buildings blighting our towns and communities.
The conundrum is which title do I choose and which will have the most impact.
Chapter headings include:
- ‘Many A Mickle Maks A Muckle’. Bit niche.
- ‘Passion is the driver of the economy’. Potential!
- ‘Woolworths isn’t coming back’. Catchy, but does it capture what we are doing? Not sure.
- And ‘This isn’t about saving a ******* building it’s about saving a town’.
I’ve done my market research - namely I’ve asked a half dozen people for their reactions - and I’m nearly there.
But I’m interested in what title you would choose?
The brief is simple. This is a pacy, racy story of passionate people who love where they stay. Are fed up with being told what needs to be done by planners and bureaucrats, and are just getting on making it happen, in their own time. Not salaried, not as part of a project but because they care. Because #placematters to them. And by place they mean one where you can earn a living.
So I’ve had a few covers mocked up from my favourite. What do you think? Will a sweary title get attention?
For a bit of fun why not take the Book Cover survey. Which is your favourite? It only takes a couple of minutes. Sign up and you have the chance to win a free copy of the book.