Lisa Westcott Wilkins
We were delighted when Lisa Westcott Wilkins, co-founder and Managing Director at DigVentures, agreed to speak at one of our first Talk Oots.
She has a Master’s degree in Archaeology combined with over 20 years of professional experience in communications, finance and journalism.
During her presentation at one of our much loved ‘Talk Oots she gave us her top tips for publicity and how to promote your project.
Three Ways to Publicise your project
Everybody likes a successful project. If your project provides an opportunity for a councillor/MP/ similar to have their picture taken with happy, smiling constituents, use that to your advantage. It’s all part of creating a success story.

The A Team
Get yourself a catchy title. We call ourselves The Archaeological ‘A’ Team. We got stick for that from some of our professional colleagues but everyone else love it.

Monty - Junior Assistant Trainee Site Dog
Never underestimate the appeal of an animal, especially when you want to keep up interest in your project and nothing much is happening. We had a site dog on a camera and people loved it.