It’s funny that every time there’s talk about the economy, or maybe I should say ‘The Economy’, people are not mentioned!

Well, people are mentioned, but only in the sense of how ‘The Economy’ will impact on them. The economy is something that does things to people is the prevailing line. “How will this impact on the left behind and forgotten” or “How will this economic policy affect …” fill in the blanks.

Economics correspondents and commentators never talk about economy in terms of humanity, they neutralise it.

There’s a good reason for this. These commentators are scared of talking about lives and emotions. But for really good economists that’s what the economy is all about.

Which is why a big chapter in our new book The Can Do Places Story is called ‘Passion is the Driver of The Economy’. This is both a celebration of the people out there in our towns and communities who want to see a better life for them and their family.

People like Annette Tonner of Community Focus Scotland who see the world the way they want it to be not the way it is. Or perhaps Ailsa Campbell of Crieff Community Trust and Can Do Crieff who see opportunities and not obstacles.

Well they’re all featured in the new book telling their stories of how they made it happen.

Coming out soon - watch this space!