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What makes an enterprising place?

Once upon a time there was a place where people made and sold things. They had to do that in order to survive because without earning money how could they eat, clothe and shelter their family.

They built buildings to make the things. They built buildings to sell the things they made.

They built buildings to stay in and they built places to play in after they made their things.

They built an enterprising place.

Some people were really enterprising and made a lot of money and built great libraries and museums to celebrate their success.

Then the things they made weren't made any more and the buildings became empty.

The people who made the things had no money so some moved. Some stayed but didn't have any money, so the places to play in weren't used any more. And the places to sell in became vacant.




Can Do People!

Everyone said what a shame. Some people said “Those poor people. We need to do things for them.” And the people that lived there said “Why does nobody speak to us? “. We can make different things, but we need to change and adapt the places we have.”

Sometimes the people who wanted to help just decided they had the answers and changed the places.

Sometimes the people who lived there got fed up and left.

Often other people said “oh that dreadful place” forgetting it used to be a great place.

But some people decided the only way to make their place great was do it themselves. They had vision. They had aspirations, but it was never easy. Sometimes it was horrendous but they carried on.

These are the people that take part in Can Do Places.

If you want to learn more, get a bit of energy, or meet like minded people then contact us!


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Postcard from Callander

Since forming in 2003, Callander Community Development Trust has organised Farmers Markets, run the town’s annual Spring Clean, extended the Festive Lights display and secured funding for numerous other projects.

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Postcard from a Bike Town

Overcast skies and the threat of rain failed to dampen the spirits of the crowd that gathered in Cambuslang Park, just outside Glasgow, earlier this month (July) for the official launch of the CamGlen (Cambuslang and Rutherglen)Bike Town project.

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Postcard from Linlithgow

Back in the 1500s, the historic, royal burgh of Linlithgow had more butchers, bakers, shoemakers and tailors than you could shake a stick at. These days, although still busy and prosperous (and with three Scottish government ministers resident there to prove it)

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Postcard from Peebles

The town of Peebles has been named the most creative place of its size in Scotland and the best in Scotland for its range of independent shops and “home town identity.” Every year, thousands of day trippers are attracted to its delightful Victorian

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Postcard from Elgin

When Daniel Defoe visited Elgin in 1717, he found it “a very agreeable place.” But these days, people living in Elgin want it to be more than “agreeable” - they want it to be a “compelling destination.” Says David Urquhart

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