Place Matters: vision

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Place Matters

We have a vision to help people create Can Do Spaces in towns across Scotland. Not innovation spaces,not creative spaces but messy spaces . spaces where people can make their own work,try out new ideas and collaborate. Places where the money stays in the local economy.

Our participants range from community activists, local volunteers, local businesses, local authorities, and arts projects. Can Do Places participants are a wide and diverse group united by a desire to do something to re-energise their town. Take a look at our postcards to read more about their stories.

Why take part?

The first Can Do Challenge ran from 2014-15 and involved groups from fifteen towns across Scotland, with a variety of projects and ideas they wanted to see progressed.

We asked Jill Davis of Coupar Angus Regeneration Trust why her group took part and what they got out of it.

1. Why did you take part?

The regeneration of our town was underway but we needed to something special to make us different and desirable.

Can Do Places was an opportunity to access professionals who could help our community project and learn from others across Scotland with similar aims. At the time I needed support to develop our product - a community owned commercial building, which could change local people’s lives.

2. Why should anyone take part?

This series of enlightening events will give you the tools and ‘Can-do’ attitude to progress your community based project. The presentations will inform; with access to incredible movers and shakers sharing their innovative ways, having faced similar challenges to yourself.

Grow your network, meet other community groups with experience and challenges, ideals and tips for funding and a wealth of knowledge you won’t find on the web… priceless.

3. What to expect?

Open your mind to new ideas and be ready for Iain Scott and his team’s inspiring cocktail of innovation for your town centre!

The events are designed to expand your knowledge and imagination, presented in a ‘non consultant speak’ way, perfect for the busy volunteer looking to gain knowledge of innovative community development with a proven track record. This is the time to create new ways of solving old problems.

Camaraderie: This is the ‘club’ you always wanted to join but couldn’t find the door to! Working in a small group/lone worker can be isolating, unless you have time/budget to get out and go visiting other groups.

4. What is involved?

Arrive with a project or problem in mind and perhaps some preconceived/accepted ideas on how you are going to address the issues. Listen to the themes and points applying to everyone’s projects, fresh eyes are invaluable in adding a new perspectives or added depth to your project.

Chat to everyone, everyone is rich in experience and will add value to your project.

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