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Place Matters An Enterprise Mash Up

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What Makes An Enterprising Place?

20th April 2016 Drygate Glasgow

What Makes An Enterprising Place? is a hearts and minds event. It brings together people who are passionate about their place because it’s their community, passion, business, heritage, safety.

What Makes An Enterprising Place? is not a conference but a Can Do session, where we share stories and experiences and start answering some questions. Our aim is to show the importance of place to Scotland Can Do and to unblock some of our enterprise arteries!
What Makes An Enterprising Place? is for:

  • community groups intent on improving their place but hitting obstacles.
  • businesses where place defines their business identity.
  • philanthropists wanting to give back to their community.
  • place makers who want a broader approach to heritage, architecture and innovation.
  • entrepreneurs for whom place creates the environment to succeed.
  • people responsible for safer places.


We have a great range of speakers:

The Can Do Places Co-Op - how community owned spaces can generate millions of pounds, jobs and innovation and keep that money in the local economy. The Falkirk/Peebles/Crieff story.

George Boyle, Founder of Fumbally Exchange - founded when she was made redundant at the peak of the Irish crash and where people make work together.

Nick Addington, Chief Executive of William Grant Foundation - on why Place Matters to philanthropists and giving.

Joe Barratt, The Teenage Market - why Place Matters to teenagers and why it needs to be enterprising.

Rubina Tyler-Street, Curio Spirits - from Pakistan to Bradford to Cornwall, why place matters for Rubina Tyler-Street and Curio Spirits..

Iain Scott, Director of Can Do Places - Many a Mickle Maks A Muckle. The new economy where micro business trumps multinational.

Ronald Megaughin, Depute Director, Scottish Business Resilience Centre - a safe place is an enterprising place.

Petra Biberbach, Chief Executive of PAS (Planning Aid Scotland) and Karen Anderson, Chair of A+DS (Architecture & Design Scotland) - on how places make people enterprising.

Come and join us!

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