Author Archive | Iain Scott


Postcard from Community Shares Scotland

We’ve probably all heard of Crowd Funding but how many of us have heard of Community Shares? Crowd Funding is most often used by individuals who want to fund a personal project and will give investors a token gift in return. The Community Shares concept which has been on the go for decades, allows funds […]

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Spinning a Yarn from Sanquhar: Postcard from Sanquhar

When people from Sanquhar in Upper Nithsdale (Dumfries and Galloway) say that a 400-year-old knitting tradition is helping revitalise their town, they’re not just spinning a yarn. Because the Sanquhar Pattern Designs project which opened in November 2014 in empty shop premises on the High Street, has already created jobs and increased tourism to the […]

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Postcard from a Pop Up Shop

Pop Up shop. There’s something about seeing a sign for a pop up shop that tickles your fancy.The Pop up shop has been seen as a great way to reinvigorate town centres and let new businesses test the market in an affordable, low-risk way. Now we have Shop Share - an even cheaper and lower […]

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